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Learning astrology is an infinite, life-long journey. Here, you’ll find some basics.

But, if you want to go even deeper…
Become a Patron for access to a CURATED CURRICULUM for learning astrology with 8 Lessons in Anthropological Astrology (including a full step-by-step of how to read an astrological chart and how to interpret the transits), in-depth articles exploring several different astrological concepts (the 12 Signs, the transits of each planet through each sign, etc.), and so much more!

Planets in Astrology
The Scope Scoop The Scope Scoop

Planets in Astrology

The two Luminaries are the Sun and Moon. The five traditional planets are called “traditional” because they are the only five that are visible to the naked eye and thus are the basis for all ancient techniques. These are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn…

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The 12 Signs & Astrology Basics
The Scope Scoop The Scope Scoop

The 12 Signs & Astrology Basics

A birth chart shows you where each celestial body was at the exact moment that you were born. It is a snapshot of the Cosmos at that moment and it is completely unique to you…

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The Scope Scoop Recommends
The Scope Scoop The Scope Scoop

The Scope Scoop Recommends

Here are some of Cam’s top recommendations to help you on your Cosmic Hero’s Journey towards following your bliss!

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