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    These are currently only available to Patrons. Become a Patron! Learn more about it below or click here to join!

  • Want to Book a Cosmic Consultation with Cam?

    These are currently only available to Patrons. Become a Patron! Learn more about it below or click here to join!

  • Want to know more about Cam’s Workshops?

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When you become a Patron, besides getting access to all of Cam’s content, you can choose from several Tiers, some of which include a built-in cosmic calendar for your consultations.

Become a Patron!

as little as €3 a month!

By becoming a Patron, you’ll gain access to a Curated Curriculum for Learning Astrology (in a better way, useful for both newcomers and seasoned astrologers) as well as hundreds of Cam’s in-depth, social scientific analyses about Astrology, the Astrological Weather, and other interesting Cosmic-Related stuff.

It has several different membership levels and each has its own incredible benefits. Find what works best for you and start aligning to the cosmos today!

Book a Virtual Workshop!

All workshops are completely customizable to meet the needs of your community. Pricing is negotiable. Live workshops are only available if specific conditions are met.

  • NOTE: This workshop is for everyone, but is highly recommended for spiritual professionals looking to make their practice more ethical and inclusive!

    Reflexivity is the practice of examining one’s own feelings, actions, reactions, and motives to see how these influence and are influenced by different situations. More importantly, reflexivity reminds us that everything we know was, at one point, taught to us. Reflexivity requires that we question the unquestioned assumptions we make.

    In this workshop, Cam will first introduce what Reflexivity is, why it matters, and all the consequences that happen when we’re not reflexive.

    Then, Cam will lead you/your group through a series of activities in order to gain a better understanding of one’s own worldview. In addition to being an amazing team-building exercise, these specialized activities are meant to help each individual examine their personal and cultural biases, the ways these biases were socialized into their worldviews, and how we can mitigate their negative effects in our day-to-day lives and work.

  • We’ve all heard of the Law of Attraction. We’ve all heard of Cosmic Alignment.

    When it comes to the combination of Cosmic Alignment and the Law of Attraction, there are pretty much two different levels that Cam can help you with.

    Level 1 is Manifesting with the Moon as a Cosmic Timer. This means using the Lunar Cycle as the timer for manifesting your intentions. Cam is a certified Moonologer and is more than happy to teach you how to manifest your bliss using the magic of the Moon!

    Level 2 takes it much deeper than Moonology and gets into Transit Astrology. This is manifesting using your birth chart plus all Cosmic Cycles (not just the Lunar Cycle) as your timer. Cam is an expert in Personal Transits and would be thrilled to teach you how to align to and work with your Personal Cosmic Calendar!

    Both of these Levels can be helpful for personal and professional development. Our work should align to the cosmic rhythms too, right?

    In this life-changing, world-shaking, completely unique, anthropological astrological workshop, Cam will teach you/your group how you can align both shorter-term and longer-term planning to the cosmic-cultural rhythms!

  • What are the Chakras and are they connected to Astrology?

    Yes they are! But the way you connect them depends on what you need the connection for! That’s what this workshop explores!

    First, Cam will explain the interpretation of the connection between the Chakras and the Cosmos that she finds the most helpful in her own practice. Then, she’ll give you the details on how to (with very little effort) use this in your daily life to align your gorgeous chakras with the gorgeous cosmic rhythms!

    Finally, it’s time to practice and personalize! What does a birth chart say about a person’s chakras? How can we use both in our healing and development journeys? How do they fit into our Cosmic Cycles?

  • …stay tuned